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How to Save Money on Your Medication

The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics reported that the ratio of Americans taking prescription drugs has increased radically.  Over 50% of Americans take prescription medication compared to 39% in the years 1988 to 1994.

Over 1 in 10 people polled in the report said that he or she had taken five or more prescription drugs in the previous month.

According to the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics, the pharmaceutical industry grossed $329 billion last year.

The following are a few things you can do to help take the pain out of filling your next prescription.

Go Generic

If the drug you are taking has a generic version, you could be wasting a ton of money. The average savings with generics is 80% to 85%.

Shop Around

Drug prices can vary greatly between pharmacies.  It’s a good idea to shop around, you just might find that some drugs vary by $50 or more for the same amount and dose.

Visit Needymeds.org

Needymed.orgs is a nonprofit group that offers grants, vouchers and patient assistance through its website.

Talk to your Doctor

Even though it might be embarrassing, talk to your doctor if the cost of your medication is an issue.  One in five new prescriptions that are written are never filled because patients can’t afford them.  It’s better to talk to your doctor so the two of you can work out a solution.

If you find yourself struggling to afford your prescriptions or with debt or would just like to find out about becoming debt free, call Debthelper.com at 800-920-2262, or visit @ www.debthelper.com.


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