A Non-Profit Organization

Best Ways to Save Money

When you’re drowning in credit card debt, it can seem hard to save money. But with smart planning and a few simple tips, you can start saving and take control of your finances. Let’s look at some of the best ways to save money, focusing on practical and doable strategies that anyone can use. What […]

Most Asked Questions About Debt-to-Income Ratio

Looking to finance a car, buy a house, or consolidate debt? Debt-to-income ratio determines the likelihood of finding a lender. For this reason, estimating this number in advance of a loan application where it is used best. Besides giving the applicant an idea of the risk of having too much debt, the debt-to-income ratio helps […]

How to Create a Budget When You Dont Have an Income

When you don’t have a steady paycheck, it’s easy to rationalize not needing a budget. After all, if you don’t have any money coming in, why should you worry about how you spend it? In fact, having a budget is even more critical when you don’t have a steady income. Having a budget allows you […]

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