A Non-Profit Organization

DebtHelper.com believes that education is the cornerstone to a secure financial future. Financial literacy is often overlooked as a necessary curriculum in our educational system and therefore DebtHelper.com strives to provide personal finance education whenever possible to local high school, college and community groups.

For community groups, schools and businesses located in the South Florida area, Credit Card Management Services offers free, on-site personal finance and credit education seminars cateredto your audience’s needs. If you are interested in having a DebtHelper.com credit counselor provide a personal finance and credit presentation to your group please e-mail at community@debthelper.com or call (561) 472-8000.

The DebtHelper.com Financial Life Skills awareness program is offering the following seminars, programs and materials NOW and, as always, FREE to consumer groups:


How to Create a Spending Plan:

Participants taking this course learn to how to create and utilize a spending plan. This course includes money saving suggestions to help consumers develop realistic financial goals.


The seminar takes participants through the entire budgeting process, offering money saving suggestions and the development of realistic financial goals

Understanding Debt:

This seminar takes an in-depth look at why consumers overspend and subsequently fall into serious debt along with steps to recovery.

Improving Your Credit Score/Factors of Scoring:

This seminar offers a graphic picture as to how the score is created; what goes into a credit score; and what can be done to improve it?

When Good Debts Go Bad:

This seminar follows the path of a bad debt, illustrates exactly what will happen, provides a list of debtors’ rights and guides participants into a better understanding of the debt process.

How to Read Your Credit Report:

This seminar teaches consumers how to read and how to obtain a free credit report.

Self Help:

Many people have practically given up when it comes to finances or feeling like they are playing on a level field. This seminar offers some personal finance networking avenues, methods to bring the entire family into the self-help process and educates on empowerment methods to financial self sustenance.

The Importance of Credit:

How can a consumer borrow or buy anything if they have credit issues? This seminar will provide information about establishing and maintaining good credit, what creditors are looking for and why, sometimes, having bad credit is better than having no credit at all.

Buying a Home:

This seminar concentrates predominantly on what’s needed before going to a broker or lender, types of mortgages, where assistance may be available and the importance of purchase preparation.

Credit DOs and DON’Ts:

Some consumers are relatively puzzled as to what their responsibilities are and how to thwart financial problems. This seminar gives preventative and pro-active solutions to potential and existing credit mishaps.

Post-Purchase Homebuyers:

This seminar answers the questions: What to do after you are in the home? How do you handle small repairs? How can I save money on utilities? These topics and much more are examined.

To schedule a free seminar at your place of business, please Call DebtHelper.com Today.

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