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5 Easy Ways to Save on Your Grocery Bills

While the economy is making a rebound of sorts, many Americans are still finding it hard to make ends meet.

The following are 5 simple ways to stretch your hard-earned dollar and save on your grocery bill.

1. Set a budget and stick to it

The best and easiest way to cut your grocery bill is to know and control your spending while shopping for food.

Total up your grocery receipts for the last 6 months, then reduce that average by 10%.  Use that dollar amount as your food allowance.

2. Clearance Items

Many grocery stores frequently put soon-to-expire meat in a special clearance section, marked 30% or 50% off.  Be sure to use or freeze these deals as soon as possible.

3. Meatless Monday

www.wisebread.com has a good idea for reducing your grocery bill… Participate in Meatless Monday.  “Meat is often the most expensive component of a meal. If you are used to serving meat at every dinner, try going meatless just once a week and see how much you save.”

4. Use Coupons

Even though the savings per coupon can be slight, they will add up. For example it’s possible to save $20 or more, even though many coupons are for only 25 cents.

5. The Dollar Store

In our area there are “Dollar General Markets” and the savings over the “mainstream” grocery stores can be astonishing.  In addition to stocking name-brand items, the Dollar General Market carries there brand of “generic” items that are often times equal to, or better than, their name-brand equivalent’s.

If you find yourself struggling with debt or would like to find out about becoming debt free, call Debthelper at 800-920-2262, or visit @ www.debthelper.com.


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