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How to Financially Prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse

As certain as the sun will set today, the Zombie Apocalypse will surely happen… hordes of un-dead wondering the earth, feeding on every live thing that they happen upon…

Well, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we better be prepared for it!  As Dr. Ali S. Khan, assistant surgeon general of the United States, wrote in a CDC blog “So what do you need to do before zombies…or hurricanes or pandemics for example, actually happen? First of all, you should have an emergency kit in your house,” “This includes things like water, food, and other supplies to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp.”

It’s clear that the CDC is using the imminent Zombie Apocalypse as a metaphor, but the message is certainly serious.  There is no question that everyone should be prepared for real disasters.  These disasters can range from catastrophic power failures, storms and diseases to terrorist attacks.  It seems that no matter how many times disasters strike, people still fail to make an effort to be prepared.

Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health in New York, says that “Numerous studies have shown that an uptake of preparedness messages has been minimal,” “We haven’t gotten much above 10 of 15 percent of the public being aware of the need for preparedness.”

So are you prepared for the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse?

Here are a few ways that you can be prepared for a doomsday scenario whether it is a natural disaster or flesh eating un-dead:

Your Zombie Apocalypse Emergency Fund

The first step in creating an emergency fund is not just making deposits into a savings account.  Rather, it is getting prepared to be prepared!  If you do not already have one, it is important to start a family budget and figure out realistically how much you can save.

In a recent DebtHelper article we discussed how to start building your emergency fund.  “You should shoot for an emergency fund of $1,000 while you’re busy paying off your high interest debt or any credit card debt, but have your ultimate goal to increase that to an emergency fund of three to six months of living expenses.” It is important to start somewhere, even if it is small at first.

So how do you fund your emergency account?

We suggest dividing the amount you want to save, by how many weeks (or pay periods) you anticipate it will take to set aside that much.  For example, if your monthly living expenses are $2000, divide that by 12 weeks (that’s 3 months give or take).  The amount that you need to save each week works out to be around $167.  If you are able put aside $167 each week, you will have a month’s worth of living expenses in approximately 3 months.  Wouldn’t be wonderful to know that you have that money stashed away in case an emergency popped up?  In just one year you could have 4 months’ worth of savings! David Jones, president of the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies, says that “Conventional wisdom has always been to hold six months’ equivalent of take-home pay in savings.”

Don’t put it off!

There is no better time to start funding your emergency Zombie Apocalypse fund than right now!  Consider having your predetermined amount automatically deposited into a savings account each week until you have reached your goal.  This puts your saving efforts on auto-pilot and makes it much easier for you. The key to building a sizeable emergency fund is to set a small goal at first, once you reach it, increase the amount you want to have in your emergency account and keep on saving!

Have a dedicated emergency fund account.

It is important to keep your emergency fund separate from your household checking or regular savings account.  Doing this will reduce the temptation to dip into your emergency fund when you know you really shouldn’t.

But I can barely pay my bills, how am I supposed to start an emergency fund?

If you are having trouble just making ends meet, imagine how catastrophic a natural disaster or even a prolonged illness would be on your finances.  If you find yourself in this situation, now is the time to speak with a professional who can help you meet your obligations and get you out of debt.

The professionals at DebtHelper.com can explain the benefits of a debt management program and provide you with a fresh start.

One of the biggest long-term benefits of the debt management plan is the reduction in interest. Reduced interest allows you to pay off your principal balances faster while saving you possibly thousands of dollars in finance charges.

In order to determine if you are eligible for a debt management program, you can fill out an online budget application form now and then you can contact one of their Certified Personal Finance Counselors© at (800) 920-2262.

DebtHelper.com can currently accept clients from the states listed here. DebtHelper.com is licensed, insured and complies with all state licensing requirements to ensure mandated regulations are followed. They are diligently working on becoming licensed in every state and are opening new states monthly.

Please call (800) 920-2262 if you have any questions. DebtHelper.com’s consultations are free, call them any time.



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