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Did You Miss Out on Black Friday?

If you missed out shopping on Black Friday, you likely didn’t miss much.

Black Friday is traditionally seen as the best shopping day of the year, but recently Thanksgiving day and Cyber Monday have moved ahead in the best sales day category.

Prices for electronics and video games actually tend to hit their lowest prices in two to three days after Black Friday, according to PriceStats.

In a recent study by the Wall Street Journal, if you are waiting for Black Friday to do your holiday shopping, you are probably wasting your time.

It turns out that gifts from Barbie dolls to watches to blenders are often priced below Black Friday levels at various times throughout the year,”[1]

The WSJ study showed that items such as watches and jewelry actually tend to get more expensive as the holidays approach… watch out you last-minute shoppers!

PriceStats data showed that when it comes to getting the absolute bottom sale prices, that the price differences between the “bottom” and regular discount prices, are really not that much different. …with the average being only 1% or less.

So if you missed out on Black Friday, don’t fear, you haven’t missed much!

If you find yourself unable to pay your bills, much less take advantage of all of the great holiday sales, or you are interested in becoming debt free, call Debthelper at 800-920-2262, or visit @ www.debthelper.com.

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[1] https://online.wsj.com/articles/SB10000872396390443615804578042700772445448

PriceStats data showed that when it comes to getting the absolute bottom sale prices, that the price differences between the “bottom” and regular discount prices, are really not that much different. …with the average being only 1% or less.

So if you missed out on Black Friday, don’t fear, you haven’t missed much!

If you find yourself unable to pay your bills, much less take advantage of all of the great holiday sales, or you are interested in becoming debt free, call Debthelper at 800-920-2262, or visit @ www.debthelper.com.




[1] https://online.wsj.com/articles/SB10000872396390443615804578042700772445448

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