A Non-Profit Organization

Pros and Cons of Filing your Taxes Early

The same question comes up every year at this time… “Should I file my taxes early?” The IRS started accepting and processing federal tax returns, for tax year 2013, on January 31st.  Like most things, there are pros and cons.  Let’s take a look at some good and bad things when it comes to filing […]

How to Throw a Great Super Bowl Party!

For most people it makes no difference who is playing in the Super Bowl, it’s all about the party!  We are going to explore some ideas that will make sure you throw a Super Bowl party of epic proportions: Seating – there are going to be those die-hard fans that once the game starts, are […]

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

With the rising cost of food, many people are struggling to stretch their food dollars and think that eating healthy just costs too much.  But eating healthy doesn’t have to break your family budget.  Here are a few tips to a healthy diet… all on a budget. Cheap Proteins — According to the Center for […]

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