A Non-Profit Organization

How to Budget Birthday Parties

I’m sure you have heard of them or might have even attended one… the over the top, exorbitantly priced, child’s birthday party.  When did planning a kid’s birthday party start with the question “should we get a second mortgage or just cash in our IRAs?”  How is it that a birthday party turned into a […]

Does Debt Management Affect your Credit Score?

Signing up for a debt management plan will certainly get your finances in order and help you eliminate debt, but will it hurt your credit score? Your credit score is not directly affected by joining a debt management plan, it might however make it a bit tougher to get new credit. While some lenders may […]

What to do with your W-2?

It’s that time of the year again and you will soon be receiving your W-2.  But do you know what to do with it?  What if you don’t receive it?  What do you do if the information is incorrect?  Let’s take a look at this essential form for filling your taxes… Your W-2 reports the […]

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