A Non-Profit Organization

Largest Settlement Since Tobacco

  Press Release US Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Secretary Donovan and Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller Unveil First Public Service Announcement for $25 Billion Mortgage Servicing Settlement Television PSAs, Homeowner Help Website, New Mortgage Assistance Guide launched to educate homeowners about resources available to them through historic mortgage servicing settlement August 2, […]

Summertime And The Spending Is Easy

Summertime is one of those times of the year that we can really go overboard with over spending. There’s something about all that nice weather that makes us reach into our pockets and spend. We have vacations, graduations, weddings, just to name a few of the reasons. But you don’t have to go broke this […]

So You Think Youre The Victim Of Identity Theft… Now What?

With so many purchases being made online these days — and with more people using credit cards to buy things at retail locations — it’s surprising we don’t hear about massive data breaches every day. But alas, ID theft is an all-too-frequent occurrence, so it couldn’t hurt to know in advance the steps to take […]

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