A Non-Profit Organization

5 Signs That Signal You Need Credit Card Counseling

In most cases, people find themselves in tough financial situations with credit cards because of unpaid monthly dues. Without credit card counseling and sound financial management, every unpaid monthly balance piles up as finance charges that would yield to a higher interest rate being charged on their credit card accounts. Consequently, they end up paying […]

How to Pay off Your Debt and Build Your Savings At Once

Trying to pay off your debt and build your savings simultaneously? This blog post will provide you with some tips on how you can do that.

9 Financial Do’s and Dont’s When Going Through a Divorce

Whether you’re in the midst of a super nasty divorce or an amicable one, divorce is exhausting and emotionally draining. It’s overwhelming and time-consuming. And it sure can be expensive. To soften the financial blow, there are a few things that you should consider doing—and not doing—when going through a divorce. 1. DO Get a […]

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