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What Will You Do if Your Wages are Garnished?

Photo Credit: Ronan_tlv via Compfight cc

With the economy still at record lows and millions of Americans buried in debt, the IRS and many creditors are resorting to wage garnishments to collect their money.

When can creditors garnish your wages?  In most cases, a creditor must sue you in court and win a money judgment against you.

So is it possible to eliminate or reduce a wage garnishment?  Usually… Each state has laws that protect you if you are unable to afford basic living expenses for you or your family.

A Claim of Exemption may reduce or totally remove a wage garnishment.  Here are a couple of the different types of exemptions:

Head of Household Exemption – You can claim this exemption if you are responsible for more than 50% of the support for a child.  This protects all of your wages.

Social Security and Disability – The law, both state and federal, prevents social security benefits and disability benefits from being garnished.

Bankruptcy can get you out of a wage garnishment but the lasting affects to your credit can be an arduous task to overcome.

The best thing you can do is to take control of your debts before it gets bad enough for a wage garnishment to be an option.

If you find yourself struggling with debt or would like to find out about becoming debt free, call Debthelper at 800-920-2262, or visit @ www.debthelper.com.


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