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From Prada to Nada

I found an article in Glamour magazine a while ago and thought that it was interesting and surprisingly refreshing. One of the stories in particular, “From Prada to Nada,” was really great because it depicted one woman’s perfect life and how it suddenly (and drastically) changed. The surprising twist was that she lost what she thought was her ideal job and is still happy because she’s doing what she loves instead!!

Jessica Lybeck, the woman that the article is about, used to work “at one of the most prestigious architecture firms in the country.” She had it all; Business trips all over the world that included stays in five star hotels, and the luxury of not being worried about checking her bank account often.

Then, when the company she worked for starting making cuts, she lost her job.
Prior to being laid off, Lybeck had already been working on a different project that was much more fulfilling for her and she had that to fall back on. She had opened a consulting firm to help entrepreneurs and felt that this work, although not as monetarily rewarding, was more personal and worthwhile.

Even though the lifestyle that she lives now includes sharing a bathroom with neighbors and working at a stir fry restaurant for four dollars an hour, Lybeck is happy! She admits she gets anxious from time to time, but who can blame her?

To me this article was inspiring. It made me realize that things may not always go as planned, especially with finances and the future, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This story, and the others featured, showed me real women that I could relate too and how they may not have everything together all the time, but that didn’t mean that they just gave up either.

And I think that is a lesson that doesn’t need a price.

You can read “From Prada to Nada” and other financial stories of real women at:

Glamour Magazine

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