A Non-Profit Organization

Starting the New Year Off Right!

Spending 101

One of the best ways to make sure your daily spending habits don’t overwhelm your life goals is to create a spending plan.

People hate budgets because they seem confining. But a realistic spending plan is the very tonic many need right now.

Creating a Spending Plan Tips:

· Establish realistic habits
· Set obtainable financial goals
· Find ways to save or hide money from yourself.

How to do it:
· Track your spending. Write everything down for at least one month.
· Use a formula you will follow to determine how much you can save.
· Use the money you saved to create a saving account.

Savings tips:
· Cut coupons
· Shop for values
· Involve family members
· Be responsible spenders

Do you need help?
· Are you having problems paying your bills?
· Are you aware of the debt resolution options you have?
· Can you commit to a program? Ask for it.

Help is Here:
Credit Card Management Services, Inc. d.b.a. Debthelper.com is an IRS Approved 501c3 Non-Profit Florida Corporation dedicated to our mission of providing compassionate and professional, financial counseling and education in an ethical manner with efficient, timely and problem-solving client support.

Debthelper.com partners with those who create opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities.

https://debthelper.com/ is ISO: 9001 Certified as audited by BVI is licensed, bonded and insured to provide quality debt management services as governed by its Code of Practice and Best Practices through its membership with the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies.

Debthelper.com adheres to the National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education and Counseling and is a partner with the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. Debthelper.com is a proud member of the Southeast Florida Better Business Bureau. We offer education and counseling on:

Pre-Filing Credit Counseling for Bankruptcy*
Pre-Discharge Education Courses, also known as a Personal Financial Management Instructional Courses, for Bankruptcy*
Credit Report Education (offering a broad view of what you should look out for on your credit report)
Budgeting and Spending Plans
Debt Management Programs
Consolidation Programs
HUD Approved Comprehensive Housing Counseling
Reverse (HECM) Mortgage Counseling
Foreclosure Counseling
First Time Home Buyers Educational Courses

And More Financial Rescue Options Since being formed in 1996, we have helped guide tens of thousands of people out of financial difficulty.

Located in West Palm Beach, Debthelper.com serves clients in almost every state in the union. Our multilingual, multinational team is different from many other agencies as we put the client first whether or not they join one of our programs.

Debthelper.com Certified Personal Finance Counselors counselors strive to get to the root of the counseling issues and once and for all, help to seek their resolution.

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