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Keeping Your Pet Happy and Healthy on a Budget

Keeping Your Pet Happy and Healthy on a BudgetAccording to U.S. News and World Report, Americans Spend $61 Billion on Pets Annually, with the average household spending just over $500 on their pets during the year. That amount is more than the average household spends on clothes, booze and land-line phones. The following are 3 ways you can keep your pet happy and healthy, without breaking the bank.

Get Another App

We could all use another app on our Smart phone right? Well there is an app that can actually help you keep track of your pet related spending.  Spending on My Dog is an Android app that allows you to budget and track spending in 14 dog-centric categories. There are even charts that can illustrate how much you spend on food, with exported spreadsheets breaking down expenses further.

Food, So Many Choices

There are so many different pet foods available that it can make your head swim. Deciding what food is best for your pet while staying within your budget can be a challenge. The site thepoopandnothingbuthepoop.com advises, “first and foremost, avoid the cheap grocery store brands. The quality is inferior, meaning more poop from your pooch and more upset tummies. Reserve your money for good-quality food (with a high-quality food being the preference); even brands like Purina make good-quality foods at more reasonable prices. Consult with your vet to determine the most economical yet healthy option for your pet.”

Online is Good for Fido Too

You have many online options when it comes to making purchases for your pets and saving money, compared to the big brick and mortar retail stores. This could be through the online versions of PETCO or Petsmart, or at retailers like Amazon and Wag.com. You can find sales online, and there are also coupons and free-shipping codes for online purchases.

If you find yourself struggling with debt or would like to find out about becoming debt free, call DebtHelper.com at 800-920-2262, or visit @ www.debthelper.com.


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