A Non-Profit Organization

21 Ways to Reduce Your Spending Without Making Your Life Miserable

Jennifer writes in: You often talk about how spending less doesn’t have to make your life miserable. Yet, most of the ideas you give seem miserable to me! What ideas do you have that won’t make my life boring? Given that everyone’s life is different, it’s hard to point to a list of things that’s […]

100 Things to Do During a Money Free Weekend

For the last few months, my wife and I have been doing something every other weekend or so that we call a “money free” weekend, in an effort to live more frugally. It’s actually quite fun – here’s how we do it. We are not allowed to spend any money on anything, no matter what. […]

Extreme Ways to Save Money

One of our all time favorite sites, WalletPop, has this great post on 17 extreme ways to save money: How Far Are You Willing to Go? Talk about some belt tightening! The national savings rate has skyrocketed to 6.9% — a 15 year high.Some analysts are predicting a double-digit savings rate next year as this […]

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