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Extreme Ways to Save Money

One of our all time favorite sites, WalletPop, has this great post on 17 extreme ways to save money:

How Far Are You Willing to Go?
Talk about some belt tightening! The national savings rate has skyrocketed to 6.9% — a 15 year high.Some analysts are predicting a double-digit savings rate next year as this recession scares consumers into a “back to basics” mentality not seen in our country for a long time.

That may put a damper on how quickly the economy turns around, but it’s great long-term news as people spend less, borrow less and save more for their future. Personal finance experts Ken and Daria Dolan of Dolans.com, applaud the efforts, but have been a little surprised at just how far people are willing to go in their efforts to save.

Check out these 17 extreme ways to save. You be the judge — smart ideas or outrageous?

First Up: Finders Keepers

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