A Non-Profit Organization

How to Start Saving for Your Kid’s College

Saving for your child’s college education is literally an investment in his or their future. Even if your children are very young and college is a long way off, it’s a good idea to start saving as soon as possible. “…try the “rule of three” when you start saving for your kid’s college.” Many experts […]

How To Go Out To Eat Without Spending A Lot Of Money

With the rising costs of, well let’s face it… everything, taking the family out for dinner has become a luxury many families have given it up. I know for my family, eating out has changed from Chilli’s or Applebee’s to McDonald’s. It is just so expensive to eat out anymore. According to TheSimpleDollar.com, “The average […]

How to Look Great Without Spending a lot of Money

Looking good often times involves spending a small fortune on personal care items or services and an updated wardrobe… or so we think. No matter your personal style or budget, there are plenty of things you can do to look good that doesn’t cost any money at all. Below we will explore how you can […]

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