A Non-Profit Organization

How to Buy a Home With Bad Credit

Thinking about buying a home but have bad credit? Don’t despair—there are options.

Write For Us!

Interested in writing for the DebtHelper.com blog? You’re in luck! We’re looking for talented writers to contribute comprehensive, value-driven and interesting blog posts. Firstly, please keep in mind that a $74.00 donation must be made to DebtHelper.com in exchange for publishing the post. To make the donation, you can mail a check to: Credit Card […]

Rent, Buy or Live at Home

Graduating college brings many challenges, one of the biggest is determining where you plan to live afterwards. Due to rising costs of living, and record levels of student debt, many new grads find that this decision is getting harder to make. To help, here are some things to consider when deciding whether you should Rent, […]

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