A Non-Profit Organization

A Boulder Crashes into Woman’s House

…what would that do to your household budget? ABC reports that a 12-foot by 9-foot tall bolder crashed through a Utah woman’s home pinning her in her bedroom at 3 a.m., breaking her jaw and sternum. Can you imagine!  The report said she heard a rumbling sound and woke up then rolled over to the […]

College Towns Lure Boomers

Is retirement in a college town right for you? A USA Today report looks at how Baby Boomers are choosing other than traditional places to retire.  The generation that defined so much of American culture also demands more when they call it quits, and some are beginning to discover that college towns offer some really […]

An article from my favorite attorney author you should soooo read this:

An article from my favorite attorney author you should soooo read this: Why a Short Sale after Bankruptcy Just Isn’t Worth the Hassle By Jay Fleischman Shaev & Fleischman, LLP is a debt relief agency according to the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. We help people file for bankruptcy. You filed for bankruptcy and now are contemplating […]

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