A Non-Profit Organization

5 Ways to Make Your Income Tax Refund Work for You

For those that receive refunds, tax time often feels like the adult equivalent of Christmas. For most Americans that refund check tends to burn a hole in your pocket, and you can’t help feeling the urge to splurge a little. However, careful money management at this time of the year can be a very smart […]

Understanding Credit Card Interest

We’re all familiar with credit cards and at one point or another the odds are that we’ve all had, or will have, at least one. Unfortunately, if we aren’t careful and don’t do our research then we could end up getting ourselves into trouble with those cards. Believe it or not, over spending on a […]

How to Manage Your Finances When Sharing an Account with Your Spouse

When it comes to managing our finances there are several of us who aren’t completely honest with our spouses when the subject arises. One of the main reasons for this is that is can often lead to a pretty heated discussion. In fact, money causes more arguments between couples than anything else does. However, money […]

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