A Non-Profit Organization

A Bailout of the People by the People

Occupy Wall Street…  While the  rag-tag, mostly inarticulate, group of 60’s wannabe protesters have gone, they might have left more than just filth and human waste behind.  Rolling Jubilee.  Rolling Jubilee is an offshoot of the movement called Strike Debt.  First started in New York City, but inspired by movements around the globe, Strike Debt […]

31 Days of Higher Gas Prices Comes at Tough Time

CNN Money reports that according to AAA gas prices have risen for the past 31 days.  The experts and talking heads say the increases is gas prices are due to rising crude prices, a shortage in supply, refineries closing and who knows what else.  What we as consumers know is that it stinks and those […]

Want a New Home? Just Squat!

Police in Boca Raton, Fla., have seized a $2.5 million mansion from a squatter after he tried to use an antiquated state law to take legal possession of the home from Bank of America reports ABC World News. Police in Boca Raton, Fla., have seized a $2.5 million mansion from a squatter after he tried […]

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