A Non-Profit Organization

US Credit Rating Cut by the S&P: How to Save yourself from the Coming Economapocalypse

Let’s start by summarizing the mayhem that we’ve seen over the last few weeks: 1. Republicans and Democrats in Congress put their own political futures ahead of the best interests of the country (once again) before finally agreeing on an incomplete deal to raise the debt ceiling and cut spending. 2. The stock market dropped […]

Stop Identity Theft so You’re Not the Next Victim

Identity theft can happen quickly but the damage that is left for the victim to clean up is rarely dealt with as fast. Identity theft can happen in a variety of ways with thieves looking to steal debit and credit card information and Social Security numbers. With this information thieves can ruin excellent credit scores, […]

The New Crime Against Your Children

Identity theft is already a rampant crime that is not only difficult to prosecute, but difficult to recover from, as well. What’s worse is that thieves are finding ways to steal from the people you love the most…your children. Online businesses are finding ways to get a hold of Social Security numbers, especially those belonging […]

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