A Non-Profit Organization

Say Sayonara to These 8 Bad Shopping Habits

Whether you love to shop or find the whole thing a drag, you’ve likely developed some bad habits that are costing you money and time. Sometimes shopping itself can be a bad habit, especially during the holidays when events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday encourage impulse buying. While changing your buying behavior takes more […]

7 ways to protect your credit rating during unemployment

Losing a job is bad enough, so minimize the damage to your credit By Jodi Helmer In the midst of polishing your resume, scouring job boards and meeting with recruiters, it’s easy to stop paying attention to your credit score. But taking steps to protect your credit during a period of unemployment will make it […]

Get Out of Debt: 6 Steps You Need to Take

One of the most important financial lessons that you can learn is that debt is prison. Indeed, when you are paying interest on your debt, that money is going straight into someone else’s bank account — and you receive nothing in return. Plus, paying that interest makes it harder to pay down the principal and […]

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