A Non-Profit Organization

7 ways to protect your credit rating during unemployment

Losing a job is bad enough, so minimize the damage to your credit By Jodi Helmer In the midst of polishing your resume, scouring job boards and meeting with recruiters, it’s easy to stop paying attention to your credit score. But taking steps to protect your credit during a period of unemployment will make it […]

Bankers become wordsmiths as some credit card contracts get rewrite

New consumer financial watchdog agency has targeted confusing disclosures By Connie Prater Several large U.S. credit card issuers have become wordsmiths in recent months, taking axes to those long, hard-to-read credit card contracts. The goal: reducing the amount of gray fine print and replacing the gobbledygook with text about your credit card terms you can […]

Im Done With My Debt!

In 2006, Roger Simpson was drowning in debt. He owed thousands of dollars to credit card companies with no visible way out. Then, one fateful day, he was at a community event and happened to stop by the Debthlelper.com outreach booth. He found the counselors to be friendly and helpful, and after the event, he […]

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