A Non-Profit Organization

Things You Should Never Buy at Garage Sales

…Just because it’s cheap doesn’t mean it’s a bargain. With the economy the way it is and money tight for most of us, it is natural to look for ways to save a few bucks here and there.  In my family we go to garage sales and thrift stores in search of that great item, […]

It’s The Last Day to File Your Taxes

…What if you missed the April 15 deadline? Well, if you are getting a refund you don’t have to worry, you don’t even have to file an extension. 2012 tax returns that are due a refund have until April 15, 2016 (October 15, 2016 with an extension) to be filed with the IRS before the […]

Students Get Lesson in Personal Finance

(NBCNews) During a half-day simulation at the Junior Achievement Finance Park, students get a randomly assigned life situation and have to develop a budget. The Finance Park offers a half-day simulation for students. There are sixteen mini-businesses at the park – like insurance agents, realtors and banks – and students have to develop a budget […]

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