A Non-Profit Organization

Secrets About Joint Credit

What is a way to be joined to another person, besides marriage, that keeps you together even if you are apart?  …Joint Credit.  By signing on the dotted line you have been joined not in marriage but joined in debt. Just like marriage, how your future will turn out depends a lot on the partner […]

Can You Recognize the Warning Signs of Out of Control Debt?

…Beware of a climbing balance, paying only minimums Do you cringe when the phone rings?  Do those those yellow or pink envelopes you get in the mail go unopened?  Do you have a stack of late notices that you plan to take care of “one day”? Do you hold your breath when you use your […]

Debt: The Next Big American Crisis?

…Instead of accumulating wealth, many falling further behind on payments Dateline NBC – America’s Great Recession, 20 months and counting, has created a new, unrecognizable economic landscape. Foreclosures continue to melt away the American Dream. Millions have lost their jobs. Just like our country’s economy, it is debt caused by credit that is causing most […]

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