A Non-Profit Organization

How to Avoid Fighting Over Money

One of the top reasons for divorce these days is money issues.  You and your spouse will be able to work your way through the inevitable money issues by following the advice below: — Don’t play the “Blame Game”:  After the initial denial, when times are financially tough we often look for someone to blame.  […]

Are You and Your Spouse Financially Compatible?

Considering that financial problems are cited as a leading cause of divorce, it is vital to make sure you and your partner are on the same financial page. It’s best to start figuring out if you and your mate are financially compatible early on in the relationship.  Sitting down and having a talk about finances […]

WARNING! Fake Money Order Scams

Another scam warning!  This particular scam has been successful at stealing tens of thousands of dollars from people all across the nation. There are a few variations of this money order scam all of which will leave you without the promised money and likely in debt to the bank.  The first one we’ll look at […]

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