A Non-Profit Organization

Student Loan Interest Rates Double

As if it was not already easy enough before July 1st of this year for students to rack up debt from loans in order to pay for their college education, now it is becoming even more expensive. On the first of this month interest rates on government-funded student loans will double from 3.4 percent to […]

Dont Let Gadgets Devour Your Family Budget

Are Electronics Breaking the Bank? It is impossible to leave your house today without seeing someone talking on the newest Apple or Samsung phone, with the Bluetooth clipped onto their ear and an iPhone or tablet sticking out of their bag. In today’s world we seem to feel that without technology we are totally lost. […]

Farm Bill Defeat Keeps Millions Going to Brazil

American taxpayers remain on the hook for millions of dollars to pay off Brazilian cotton farmers — one of the more bizarre, and costly, consequences of the House of Representatives’ failure to pass a massive farm bill. Fox News This whole payments to Brazil thing started about 10 years ago when our buddies Brazil sued […]

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