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6 Easy Tips to Save on Winter Clothes

winter-clothesThere’s a chill in the air. Right now you’re enjoying the crisp fall weather, but soon temperatures will be dropping, and snow will be falling.

Along with winter weather comes winter clothes. This is a part of your wardrobe that comes out for a few brief months and then disappears into the back of your closet.

If you want to save some money and give your winter budget a break, here are six tips that can help you save on winter clothes for this season.

1.  Neutral Is Better

While your kids may want the jacket or boots with their favorite characters on them, ask yourself if those items (or your kid’s interest) will last more than one winter. If the answer is no, don’t buy it. Stick with clothes that are sturdy, neutral and can last for more than one season. Better yet, get something timeless that can be handed down.

2.  Live in Layers

Keep in mind that most of us don’t spend our entire day outdoors. Many year-round items such as slacks and button-down shirts or blouses and skirts can be used throughout the winter. To keep away the chill, add a layer underneath to keep the heat in. You’ll be able to make better use of your regular wardrobe and stay warm at the same time.

Don’t want to spend extra for a heavy winter coat? You can usually wear your medium weight coat with a hooded sweatshirt underneath and stay just as warm.

3.  Don’t Buy Expensive Accessories

Items like hats, scarves and gloves can be stylish and warm when you walk out the door, but they’re also the items of clothing that are likely to get left behind. When shopping for these items, buy cheap and buy in bulk. Think of gloves (or mittens) in the same way that you think of socks. You’re going to lose one; so you might as well have an extra so you can create a new pair.

4.  Shop out of Season

If you need to buy new items for winter, see if you can wait until the end of the year. After the holidays many stores will start marking down their winter wear in an attempt to make room for next season’s merchandise. You can get a great deal and still stay warm for the coldest of the winter months.

5.  Think Collectively

Do you have friends or families with children close to the age of your kids? Create a clothing exchange. The jacket that one child outgrows could fit another perfectly, and can always be passed back the following year.

6.  Shop Thrift Stores

Thrift stores are a great place to find affordable seasonal fashions at low prices. Better yet, if they’ve survived long enough to make it to the thrift store, there’s a good chance they are sturdy enough to last a few more winters.

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