A Non-Profit Organization

Define Success

…The idea has gained currency that women have often been handicapped not only by a fear of failure—not unknown to men either—but by a fear of success as well. ~Sonya Rudikoff

How do you define success? On a scale of zero (not successful at all) to ten (completely successful) where would you score yourself ?

• What would be different if your score was a ten?

• What would be different, if you scored one point higher?

Now focus solely on financial success and define what that would mean to you. Again, score yourself from one to ten and then ask yourself if things changed and you could magically score a ten:

• What would your life be like?

• How would it change your relationships and the way you spend your time?

• What expectations would you place on yourself and how would you respond to others’ expectations differently?

• Would you support charities and help others more or less… or differently?

Does anything about being a ten scare you? If so, you may unconsciously sabotage yourself so you’re not put in that position. Be aware of ways in which you may lose opportunities because you may be averse to being successful and accomplishing your goal.

Start visualizing life as a TEN! Think about the possible downside and be prepared to face those challenges –and you will be successful!


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