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Which Kid’s Summer Camps are Best for your Budget?

Sending your kids to Summer Camp doesn’t have to destroy your budget.  Today we are going to take a look at some summer camp programs that fit most everyone’s budget.

There is no need to take out a second mortgage just to send the kids to summer camp, according to the American Camp Association, there are more than 2,400 camps across the nation with weekly fees starting from under $100 to more than $1,500, it all depends on the kind of camp and what types of programs they offer.  Peg Smith, CEO of the American Camp Association. “There is a camp for every child and a camp for every budget.”

Here is a link to the American Camp Association’s “camp finder”.  Here you can search for day or overnight camps that according to the American Camp Association: Encourages achievement and builds self-esteem, promotes healthy lifestyles, fitness, and activity, and inspires the confidence and courage to become the leaders of tomorrow.

If you still feel that your budget just can’t take sending your kids to summer camp, here are a few summer camp alternatives that will still offer your kids the opportunity to stay active this summer.

Free Kids Programs

There’s a pretty good chance that in your community you will be able to find free, or at least low cost, summer programs for your kids.  Check out your local YMCA and usually local churches, synagogues and other houses of worship offer a summer recreation program.

School’s Summer Programs

Check with your kid’s school to see if they are offering summer activities.  When I was in school I spent a few summers at school… but it was “summer school” and not about fun.  Hopefully you can find summer school activities for your child that’s not a requirement to advance to the next grade.

If your child in the band at school, there is likely a summer band camp.  While usually not free, the costs tend to be lower due to booster participation and fundraisers.

The Library

Many libraries offer summer reading programs, reading contests, and other enjoyable activities, with many of them geared toward children who are under 13, there are however possibilities for older kids such as volunteering at the library.

City or Park run Programs

Often times your local city or park will organize summer camps and they can be low-cost and offer the convenience of a nearby site. Be sure to check with your municipal or city office or even the local parks and recreation department to find if any youth programs are available. Many city-sponsored summer camps are inexpensive and are run in combination with the public school system.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America

The Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s goal is to foster youth growth and development.  It reaches out to all kids, including those who can’t afford other community programs. All clubs offer youth-oriented programs and include a game room, sports area, and teen center. Arts and crafts, a learning center, and classes such as martial arts, dance or drama can often be found there too.

Vacation Bible School

If you’re a member of a church, Vacation Bible Study might be just what you are looking for. If you are not a member of a Church, talk with other parents and neighbors to see if their Church will accept non-members… the answer is usually yes.

No matter if you have $10,000 to spend on your kid’s summer camp, or $10, with a little research you will no doubt be able to find a summer program to keep your kids happy and active this summer.

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