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Have a Great Valentine’s Day on a Budget

Looking to do something special for your Valentine but you don’t have a lot of dough?  Well here are a few great ideas to make your Valentine feel special, have a great romantic day and do it all without breaking the bank.

Leave your lover an unexpected note

This falls under the category of “it’s the little things that count”.  Leave a “love letter” for your Valentine in their wallet or in their car for them to find when you are not around.  This is sure to put a smile on your lover’s face and it costs absolutely nothing!  …you know you should really be doing this year round.

Cook dinner at home

There is no need to fight the crowds on Valentine’s Day and spend hundreds of dollars going out to a fancy restaurant, you can create a romantic dinner right at home.  If you have kids, get a relative to host a sleep-over so mommy and daddy can have their own sleep-over, without the fear of being interrupted.

Forget about “you”

Do something that your spouse really wants to do, that you would normally stay clear of.  Does your wife like going to thrift stores or antiques shopping?  Does your husband want to visit the batting cages or ride go-carts?  Be selfless and offer to do one of those activities that they really like to do… who knows, you might actually like it yourself.

Fix it.

This is mostly for the guys out there.  Is there that project or repair that you have been putting off, waiting for that “round to-it” so you can get it done?  Well, now is a great time to do it.  Valentine’s Day is a great day for you to show your wife how much you lover her and that you really do want to make her happy.  You would be surprised at how happy a wife can be when you pressure-wash the patio… without being asked for the 100th time.  …ask me how I know!

Go on a picnic

If it’s not too cold where you live, you can pack a meal and go on a picnic.  Head to a nice park or secluded favorite secluded spot, share a bottle of wine and just enjoy time with your lover.  If you live somewhere that would require 5 layers of clothes and an Alaskan parka to go outside, consider having a fire side picnic in front of the fireplace.

Spend time with friends

I know, it doesn’t sound like a romantic night out but this is great for couples that are friendly with other couples.  You and your friends can go together to each give each of your spouses a ticket to the spa, sporting event or make reservations for them at a nice restaurant or sports bar for the guys, for a “girls or guys” night out.  He or she will love that you were so thoughtful and will know that you planned ahead… then have all of the couples meet up later for a night cap.

Valentine’s Day makes us feel like we should spoil our partner with presents to show how much we love them. However, you don’t need to destroy your budget to show your partner you love them.

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