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Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance on the Back of Five Business Cards

A few days ago, I had lunch with an individual who is considering hiring me to give a multi-hour seminar to a business convention on personal finance. This person knows me from the local community and is a reader of The Simple Dollar and he felt that I might be the right person to give such a presentation.

During the lunch, out of the blue, he asked me to give a five minute nutshell version of what I would present to the group. I thought for a minute, pulled a pen out of my pocket, and asked him for five business cards. In those next five minutes, I summarized everything I know about personal finance in a pocket-friendly presentation.

I saved the business cards, scanned them in, and thus, for your enjoyment, is my presentation (with some extensive helper notes so you can know what I was actually saying while drawing these cards).

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