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A Few New Years Resolutions To Help You Out

Well, it’s that time of the year again. The end of 2009 approaches, and a new year will soon begin. If you’re anything like me, then you’ve probably made some pretty generic New Years wishes in the past like “I’ll try to be healthier” or “I won’t procrastinate anymore”. There’s nothing wrong with making those kinds of wishes- it’s just that we often let them slide when life throws us a curveball.

When you make a New Years resolution this year, try to change things up a bit. Instead of making a big and amazing resolution such as “I won’t procrastinate anymore”, say something like “I’ll finally take that special someone out”. Focus on something specific and positive instead of vague or negative qualities about yourself. Pay the bills as soon as you get them, take five minutes out of your day to sit down with your spouse or kids and connect with what’s going on in their lives. It’s like Robert Williams once said “Carpe Diem – seize the day!”

If you’re having trouble managing debt, medical issues, or some other crisis, then the ability to sieze the day is all the more important. Go out and see a free credit help agency like the people at debthelper.com about your debt! Find out whether or not you will qualify for some form of aid from the government through forms such as the FAFSA form for students and just try to do something productive; something along the lines of helping your roomates or spouse out around the house to share the burden or taking your child somewhere special for a day. Small things can make a giant difference.

It’s easy to make a sweeping resolution to try and deal with everything in your life, but don’t do it. Keep it simple and specific. Your New Years resolution could be just what you’ve needed to get you out of trouble. You can be the change in your own life. So go out and seize the day!

Have a Happy New Year!

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