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5 Cheap Places to Work Out

With the high price of gym memberships and the often too expensive home gym equipment, finding an affordable place to work out can be a workout in itself.  Instead of going into debt or adding another bill to your already tight budget, you can find places to work out on the cheap… or even free!

The following are just 5 of the many places in your community where you can work out without breaking the bank.


Well, it doesn’t get any cheaper than working out at home.  You can get in a quick work out before you head out to work by doing simple calisthenics, pushups, sit-ups, jumping jacks and running in place can help you boost your physical fitness. The best thing about getting in your work out at home is that you don’t have to worry about prying eyes as you work out… or if you have the latest, trendy exercise outfit.


If you happen to be into Yoga, or Yoga-curious, you can try one of the many free Yoga classes out there in internet land.  There are over 200 free Yoga classes available at the website Yoga Yak.  They offer full classes in Hatha, Meditation, Pranayama, Kundalini, Sivananda.  You can also get motivation and support during your Yoga practice by joining the offered community of Yoga practitioners.

The Gym

With a little traveling you can get the occasional work out at those big name gyms for free.  Most gyms and fitness centers will let you test out the facility before joining.  If there is one of those fancy gyms that you know you can’t, or aren’t willing to afford, but would like to see what it would be like to work out there, go in and ask for a free tryout.  There is a website that makes finding free gym passes in your area easy… GymTicket.com has the most complete directory of over 20,000 gyms and health clubs across the country. Find out about gyms near you and get free guest passes at participating gyms, health clubs and fitness centers.

Community Center/Park/School

Many communities have a fitness trail at the local community park.  Often these trails offer a different work out station at certain intervals along the trail.  You can find stations that instruct you to do sit-ups, stepping exercises, pull-ups, squats and a seemingly endless mix of body-weight exercises.

If your local high school or college has a track, often times there is no problem in getting in a run or walk around the quarter mile track.  If there are bleachers at the track or park you can get an amazing work out by running or even walking up and down the bleachers… feel the burn!  Also consider that many high schools that have a pool will allow the general public to swim in their pool… another great work out.


If you want to join a gym but the cost has put you off, consider checking out your local YMCA.  According to the YMCA website, the Y is a supportive community that is a big part of wellness. At every age and every level of activity, you’ll find people just like you looking to live a little bit healthier. Members and program participants often cite the support and enthusiasm of fellow participants and staff as some of the key factors in their achievement of greater well-being.

While not free, a membership at the Y is considerable cheaper than joining your local commercial gym.  It is possible to pay per visit or pay a membership fee of around $300 for the entire year… that’s less than $1.00 a day!

Getting in shape doesn’t have to be expensive. You can find simple ways to add more exercise to your everyday life even If you’re on an extremely limited budget. Saving money on your workout routine keeps more of your hard-earned money in your pocket.

If you find yourself struggling with debt or would like to find out about becoming debt free, call Debthelper at 800-920-2262, or visit @ www.debthelper.com.


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