A Non-Profit Organization

Write For Us!

Interested in writing for the DebtHelper.com blog? You’re in luck! We’re looking for talented writers to contribute comprehensive, value-driven and interesting blog posts.

Firstly, please keep in mind that a $74.00 donation must be made to DebtHelper.com in exchange for publishing the post.

To make the donation, you can mail a check to:

Credit Card Management Services, Inc.
PO Box 220597
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

or call our donation department at 1-800-920-2262 x 8600 to make a credit card payment.

In order to be approved, each blog post must fit the following guidelines:

  • Be original (and on a topic that hasn’t been covered on our blog before)
  • Be at least 500 words
  • Be high-quality
  • Include only one link back to your site
  • Include royalty-free images
  • Be factually accurate
  • Include sources where relevant

And here’s what we do not accept:

  • Linking to our competition
  • Plagiarism
  • Anything overly promotional
  • Duplicate content (all blog posts must be 100% original and not published anywhere else on the web)

Note: Other exclusions may apply.

For every blog post that’s published, our goal is to make sure that it’s packed with as much value as possible. This means that our blog posts should be described as “chunky” instead of “skinny”.  We always want to make sure that if there’s any way to describe what we’re talking about in more detail, we do it.

All blog posts will be reviewed and edited by DebtHelper.com.  We reserve the right to edit the post as we see fit, to remove any links or to not accept a blog post for any reason. We also reserve the right to adapt the content, repurpose it and update it in the future for accuracy.

Please send us an email at community@debthelper.com with the subject line “Guest Blog Post.”  In your email, please tell us the following:

  • Who you are and what you do
  • What site you would like to link back to
  • How DebtHelper.com readers will benefit from your post
  • 3 topics/ideas that you have
  • 3-4 links to other related posts that you’ve written

. We look forward to hearing from you!

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