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Tips for Creating a Thanksgiving Feast on a Budget

Tips for Creating a Thanksgiving Feast on a BudgetIf you have ever wondered how you can manage to host Thanksgiving and still afford to buy all of your Christmas gifts then we may have some tips for you. Even though it may not seem that way, it is in fact totally possible to host a plentiful, palate-pleasing Thanksgiving feast on a budget. Below you’ll find some great tips on a hosting a low-cost, high-class Thanksgiving dinner meal.

Consider Going Potluck Style

If you’re trying to be the holiday hero and tackle the whole menu single-handedly then you need to stop and reconsider. Keep in mind that the spirit of Thanksgiving is essentially potluck-style at heart. Accept the help and get everyone involved, especially if the dinner invites are extending past your immediate family. Getting everyone to chip in and bring a dish will not only ease the load on you financially, but it’ll also take away some of the stress of all the prep work and cleaning up you would be stuck doing solo.

Stick to Your List

As tempting as those extra treats or pastries may seem while you’re walking down the aisle – remind yourself that you don’t need them. Write out a menu, and more importantly a budget, and stick to them. Take your Thanksgiving list with you every time you go on your regular shopping trips during November and keep an eye out for what the store may have on sale that you have on your list. Buying the non-perishable items ahead of time at a discounted price can definitely save you some money in the long run.

Skip the Drinks

There is so much food on Thanksgiving that it can be its own tranquilizer. Instead of splurging and buying alcohol save yourself the money and let the turkey coma do the trick. If a glass of wine with dinner is a must then reach out to a family member and ask them to bring along a bottle or two.

Don’t Spend Money on Decorations

Being thrifty and using what you already have may end up being more than enough. By buying a few versatile items that you can reuse annually you can save yourself a lot of money in the long run. Thanksgiving also falls during the perfect time of year for you to use nature to your advantage! Instead of spending money on fake leaves and cheap centerpieces you can gather dried grasses and decorative gourds that you can decorate yourself. The internet is full of do-it-yourself ideas that will keep your house festive and your wallet happy.

Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together and remember everything that they have to be thankful for – especially each other. Saving yourself money along the way will help to relieve some of the stress that holidays tend to bring out in people and let you have a more relaxed time with your relatives. By following the tips above you should have no problem having a budget friendly Thanksgiving feast.

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