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The American Dream Moves to Asia??

With the U.S, job rate at 9.5 percent, Britain at almost 8 percent and Spain at a discouraging 19.9 percent, a growing number of people from Europe and the U.S. are moving to Asia in pursuit of a job and a more prosperous life.

Asian unemployment rates are not only at remarkable lows, Hong Kong is at 4.6 percent and Singapore is at 2.2 percent, there seems to be a continuous stream of jobs for Westerners.

The array of white collar positions range from areas in architecture and engineering to marketing and sales. In addition, there seems to be an always expanding market for hospitality and luxury goods.

Though there is an absence of previously offered perks, such as housing allowances and financial assistance to pay for child care, that doesn’t look like it is stopping applicants. According to a recruiting firm in Hong Kong named Ambition, resumes from the U.S. and Europe have jumped 20-30 percent, making up 2/3 of every 600 resumes they receive!

Making a new life halfway around the world may not be easy, but it’s certainly not impossible. One woman, Shahrzad Moaven, lived in London and had a public relations job, but jumped at the opportunity to move to Hong Kong. She now has a job as the communications director at the jeweler Carnet.

Moaven said of the experience, “Back in London, there were fewer resources for P.R. events or advertising. Here, everyone is expanding and spending on marketing activities. That makes my job here a lot more interesting.”

Getting a job in an area where the population and competition is growing can be difficult, however. Business owners are looking for employees that stand out from their fellow applicants. In addition, supervisors want an employee that is already familiar with the culture and language, and most importantly want to hire someone with contacts to bring to their business.

Overall, moving to Asia may be a risk but it could pay off big. Keep in mind however that many caution against using this move as a quick get rich plan. A change this drastic requires sufficient consideration and needs to be viewed as a long term commitment.

NY Times

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