A Non-Profit Organization

Understanding Federal Student Loan Repayment Options

In our previous article, we talked about the differences between Federal and Private student loans. One of the key benefits of federal student loan is that they offer a range of repayment plans based on a variety of factors. While you should discuss options with a student loan counselor, these are just a few of […]

How Does Student Loan Counseling Work?

When managing student loan debt becomes a challenge for graduates and their families, many turn to student loan counselors to help them to understand their situation and develop a plan of action. An effective approach to student loan counseling shouldn’t just be about how much you owe and what your interest rates are. It should involve […]

Public vs. Private – Sorting Through Student Loan Types

It’s surprising, but many students don’t know where their money is coming from when they sign up for student loans and other financial aid. Instead, your school will likely include student loans as part of your financial aid package. Once you’ve graduated, it becomes your responsibility. That’s why it’s important to understand what types of loans […]

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