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Are YOU Smarter Than a High School Student

If you need to brush up on your financial skills, Debthelper.com is the one to call. Our credit counseling service is FREE. Call us today. No excuses! 800-920-2262. U.S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT   OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS   OBAMA ADMINISTRATION RELEASES ‘EDUCATOR TOOLKIT’   FOR THE 2011 NATIONAL FINANCIAL CAPABILITY CHALLENGE Toolkit Includes Ready-to-Use Lesson Plans […]

Budgeting and Future Financial Success

The little expenses don’t seem so little when at the end of the month your bank account is lower than you thought. This has happened to me before and it’s not a great feeling. A few trips to the coffee shop, a pair of cute shoes that I had to have and a little pick […]

8 Fundamental Money Lessons

Americans seem to have gotten religion when it comes to managing their money — or at least they talk a good game. Three in four adults say they’re trying to increase their financial knowledge as a result of the economic crisis, according to a survey by Mintel Comperemedia. But making consumers financially savvy is a […]

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