A Non-Profit Organization

The Low Down on Returning Gifts Online

If you are on the receiving end of an awful gift, you just might find that it is harder than ever before to return it, especially if it was purchased online. According to the National Retail Federation, only 28 percent of stores have special holiday return policies this year… that’s down from 58 percent in […]

How to Make the Holidays Special for Your Family.

Regardless of our age, Christmas takes us back to our childhood… the shimmering lights, stockings hanging heavy from the fireplace and the tree sitting in the middle of a brightly decorated island of presents. While the holiday season fills us with fond memories of the past, as adults, the pending celebrations bring a mix of […]

To Re-Gift or Not? That is the Question

Webster’s New Millennium Dictionary defines regifting: Regift: (verb) 1. to give (a gift received) to someone else 2. to give away a gift received. If asked, many people would probably not admit to regifting and expound on how it is rude or inconsiderate, not to mention socially unacceptable, to accept a gift, likely given with […]

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