A Non-Profit Organization

Empty pockets are no excuse!

Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that. Norman Vincent PealeStella is a happily married woman, an expert in a specialized area of technology and a division manager in a prestigious organization. She was raised in a rural, poverty-stricken area where education was not valued, girls were expected […]

Five Ways to Take the Bite out of Back to School Shopping

by Tracy While some lucky kids won’t be returning to school until after labor day, others like my children, are going back as soon as the second week of August. Last year, the National Retail Federation estimated that each family of school aged children would spend an average of $606.40 per family. That’s a pretty […]

Top Ten Ways to Spend Less and Get More

Today, families are looking for more ways to save and live the “value lifestyle.” This new behavior is evidenced by the record high coupon redemption rates (9.7 percent in the first quarter of 2010 and sixth consecutive quarter of increased usage, according to NCH Marketing Services, Inc. 1Q 2010 Coupon Market Quarterly Update) and savings […]

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