A Non-Profit Organization

7 Fast and Simple Ways to Reduce and Eliminate Credit Card Balances

If you’re carrying any credit card balances, whether it’s $500 or $5,000, you’re wasting money, plain and simple. Every dollar you spend toward interest payments is one more dollar you could be using to strengthen your overall financial health. While tackling debt may seem like an insurmountable task, reducing and eliminating it is actually not […]

Give Yourself a Raise: 19 Ways to Make Some Side Cash

Looking to make a bit of side cash this year? The good news is that no matter what your skill set, there is no shortage of ways to make money. Here are 19 ideas that we have. 1. Freelance Do you know how to code? Write? Design? Consider freelancing several hours a week. As for where […]

5 Financial New Years Resolutions

The new year is almost here. You’ve already resolved to hit the gym, cut back on junk food, and spend more time with your family. But what about your finances? Before the clock turns midnight, here are five financial resolutions that you can make to improve your financial health. 1. Pay Bills on Time When it […]

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