A Non-Profit Organization

Is Debt All in Your Head?

The Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK says that “one in two adults with debt has a mental health problem,” “One in four people with a mental health problem is also in debt,” and “One in four adults will have a mental health problem at some point in their life.” So are we in […]

Thinking About Getting Married? Questions To Ask Before You Say “I Do”

“Will you marry me?” For a lot of people that is the most important question that comes to mind when thinking about marriage.  But according to Fox Business, money experts say there are even more pressing issues at hand leading up to the big day, and they all concern finances. According to the U.S. Census […]

Thinking About Getting Married? Questions To Ask Before You Say “I Do”

“Will you marry me?” For a lot of people that is the most important question that comes to mind when thinking about marriage.  But according to Fox Business, money experts say there are even more pressing issues at hand leading up to the big day, and they all concern finances. According to the U.S. Census […]

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