A Non-Profit Organization

The Fiscal Cliff

Are You Facing Your Own Fiscal Cliff? You can’t turn on the News without seeing the talking heads discussing “Fiscal Cliff” this or “Fiscal Cliff” that.  What is the Fiscal Cliff anyway?  Will it really affect you and me?  Well, let’s see.  I’ll try to put all of this in a nut shell to make […]

FHA Needs Bailout From Treasury to Plug Budget, Bachus Says

The Federal Housing Administrationwill need billions of dollars in aid from the U.S. Treasurybefore the end of the year to fill a financial hole caused by defaults on mortgages it insures, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus said today. FHA will propose increases in the premiums it charges to insure mortgages as one solution […]

6 Tips to Consider Before You Spend this Year’s Tax Return

Do you spend weeks each spring eagerly anticipating your income tax refund? When the money finally comes in, is it gone tomorrow? You’re not alone. Many consumers view tax refunds as unplanned bonuses, but it makes more sense to plan for that new chunk of change so it doesn’t go to waste. “Making smart decisions […]

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