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$51-billion Sandy relief bill in jeopardy of not passing House

…Just another Pork filled piece of legislation that everyone involved should be ashamed. The bill has the support of every House Democrat and every Republican House member from New York and New Jersey, but still needs five votes to pass the chamber, according to the Daily News. At first glance it seems unthinkable that this […]

Fiscal Cliff Deal not great, but it Shields Americans from Tax Hike

Sure, But what about your paycheck? In an op/ed by Mitch McConnell for Yahoo News, the Senate Republican Leader said that “Earlier this week, I helped negotiate an imperfect solution aimed at avoiding the so-called “fiscal cliff.” If I had my way taxes would not have gone up on anyone, but the unavoidable fact was […]

10 States Raise Minimum Wage

Good for the economy or not? Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington all bumped up their minimum wages.  In all of the states except one, Rhode Island, the pay hikes are part of automatic adjustments designed to keep up with the cost of living. While on the surface, especially […]

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