A Non-Profit Organization

Ways Student Loans Hurt Middle-Class Kids

Student loans are supposed to help middle-class kids pay for a college education, but these days they can do more harm than good. ABC News According the ABC News report, the average college debt has grown from just a little over $9000 in 1993 to over $35,000 now.  And the government is financing it.  …and […]

How to Keep Your Personal Information Secure Offline

Protecting your personal information can help reduce your risk of identity theft. There are four main ways to do it: know who you share information with; store and dispose of your personal information securely, especially your Social Security number; ask questions before deciding to share your personal information; and maintain appropriate security on your computers […]

Detroit Is Broke!

…Could Bankruptcy Lie Ahead? DETROIT (AP) — The first report by Detroit’s emergency manager declares that the city is broke and at risk of running completely out of money — a financial meltdown that could mean no paychecks for workers, no pension benefits and even deeper cuts in services. If the city cannot avert disaster, […]

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