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Little Known Database That Helps Debt Collectors Call You at Work

…The Surprising Way Debt Collectors Know Where You Work BusinessInsider.com — It is “perhaps one of the most powerful and private databases of American’s personal information ever created, containing 190 million employment and salary records, covering more than one-third of US adults.” So there is this site called The Work Number and basically what they […]

Intimidating Debt Collectors Push Brits to Suicide

(Reuters) – Irresponsible lending and intimidating debt collectors are pushing thousands of people in Britain into depression and suicide.  A report by England’s University of Brighton stated that “Debt clients frequently feel humiliated, disconnected and entrapped, with the process of debt collection having a clear impact on people’s mental health.”  This is terrible news.  I […]

House Democrats want to repeal debt ceiling

Can I get rid of my debt ceiling too?   The AP reports that House Democrats are pushing legislation in an attempt to rescind the debt ceiling for the federal government.  They contend that the borrowing limit has no real-world purpose and has become a tool used only for political maneuvering and that it can have […]

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