A Non-Profit Organization

Should I Pay More Than the Minimum Monthly Credit Card Payments? 

Many Americans rely on their credit cards for everyday purchases. While it can be a helpful financial resource, it’s also one of the easiest to misuse. If you can’t make the required monthly repayments, you’ll most likely be in considerable debt. When paying off your credit card balance, you might skip the option to refinance […]

Financial Repercussions of Rising Inflation

With the US inflation rate reaching as high as 8.26%, the economy faces tremendous effects on the prices of everyday items. While inflation carries good residual effects, we can’t deny that a lot will suffer the cruelty of its consequences. Hence, it might be best to undergo a credit report workshop for those eyeing to […]

Shortages Affecting Consumer Habits and Spending

Millions of Americans lean on their credit cards to keep up with soaring prices across the board for daily expenses. Those who face a mountain of credit card debt, especially people with bad credit, resort to payday loans. While these loans are easy to get, they come at a high cost. For this reason, financial […]

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