A Non-Profit Organization

Our Debt Management Plan Really Works!

2010 Debthelper.com Debt Management Program Benefits … LOWER RATES, LOWER PAYMENTS ACTUAL RESULTS!!! Avg % rates before a plan: (Debt mgmt clients who joined our program, by month, the interest they were paying before joining our program) Jan.: 23.8%  Feb.: 21.8%  Mar.: 29.2%  Apr.: 20.4%  May: 22.8%  Jun: 20.4% Avg % rates after a plan: […]

Budgeting and Future Financial Success

The little expenses don’t seem so little when at the end of the month your bank account is lower than you thought. This has happened to me before and it’s not a great feeling. A few trips to the coffee shop, a pair of cute shoes that I had to have and a little pick […]

HELP! Im drowning in Debt

Finally, we have to ask you the obvious. Have you tried to cut your expenses? Why not track your spending for a few months, then see what you can eliminate. This is probably the quickest avenue to debt reduction. Choosing a Debt Counselor Finding a good credit-counseling program can be a bit tricky. After all, […]

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